Thursday, January 29, 2009

Intro's and Whatnots..

Well I guess it won't due to start a blog without introducing myself properly. I'm a very feisty lady..very strongly opinionated and down right sassy! *I sound like a new perfume!* I'm starting this blog to sort of work out some of the frustrations that goes along with being a stay at home mother. My situation is very different than most considering I do work at home as well as go to school. I don't make nearly as much as my husband but I do put in the hours! My son is starting school soon so this will also throw a monkey wrench into the works, but for now this is my life.

First is my family: (pictures coming up)
This is me and my boy this last summer. (sorry for the wobbly pic my scanner is stupid)

This is my husband and son together at the park.

We are simply horrid at taking pictures so I probably won't post as many.

Basically here are the characters in my life's story.

Colin-32, weight-(he'd kill me for mentioning it) height-about 6'2
Trent-4, weight-40.5lbs, height-3'7
Melissa-28, weight-enough to make me cry, height-4'11

So there you go! Now my next few posts will be about my daily life and all that fun stuff. Sit back and enjoy...


  1. Hey there...thanks for directing me to see this! I didn't realize that you were me! Wanna feel tall someday?? Come and visit! I am 4'6 and my sis who lives with us is 4''ll be a giant! I'll be checking in from time to time...keep us posted!
    Kristy...AKA baygirl96 from cafemom

  2. PS...come check me out sometime at thanks!!

  3. My mom was really short it was wonderful having another shorty with me. My sister and dad were both really tall! I am enjoying having Trent shorter than me..because if he is ANYTHING like his daddy it won't last for much longer! *waaaah*
